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執筆者の写真Ikuo Kawauchi

『食と農の進化-持続可能性と生産性の両立へ』"Evolution of food&agriculture-To achieve both sustainability&productivity"

『食と農の進化-持続可能性と生産性の両立へ』を読みました。本書は、食の農の課題に対して実施されている様々な試みを、①食を通した課題解決型のウェルネス・ウェルビーイングの追求、②サステナブル(環境系問題)な新たな農業生産モデルの確立、③食品の安定供給・バリューチェーンの環境負荷低減を可能とするテクノロジー、④食と農による地方創生、に分けて解説しています。様々なテクノロジーの進化、持続可能社会に向けた挑戦などの状況をふまえ、日本のみならず世界規模で食と農をめぐる議論が繰り広げられています。特に日本は人口減・高齢化、ライフスタイルの変化により、食品需要が減少傾向しています。その一方で、担い手不足による農業の衰退、水産資源の減少など、食の自給率は低下傾向で、レジリエンスが損なわれています。本書は、テクノロジーや新たな仕組みづくりによって日本の食の生産・流通効率を大幅に向上させ、持続的に儲かる産業に変革させる取り組みの紹介を通し、現状の課題を多方面から分析し解決策を示しています。持続可能性と生産性向上を両立させるモデルは世界的にもまだ成功したモデルはありません。日本が関連産業を再構築し実現出来れば、日本の食と農は世界的に展開出来る成長産業になりえます。食と農の産業転換、様々な社会課題の解決は、農家から消費者に至るバリューチェーン全体で推進されるべきであります。行政のバックアップも必要ですが、日本政府も、「みどりの食料システム戦略」という、調達、生産、加工、流通、消費という食のサプライチェーン全体を通じての環境負荷低減と持続的な食料システム構築を目指す戦略を策定したところです。 I read the book titled "Evolution of food and agriculture - To achieve both sustainability and productivity". This book explains the various attempts that have been made to address the challenges of food and agriculture, divided into four categories : ①Pursuit of problem-solving wellness and well-being through food, ②Establishment of a new sustainable agricultural production model (environmental problems), ③Technology that enables stable supply of food and reducing the environmental impact of the value chain, and ④Regional revitalization through food and agriculture. Based on the evolution of various technologies and the challenges toward a sustainable society, discussions on food and agriculture are taking place not only in Japan but also on a global scale. Especially in Japan, the demand for food is declining due to population decline, aging, and lifestyle changes. On the other hand, the food self-sufficiency rate is declining due to the decline of agriculture due to the lack of workers and the decrease in fisheries resources, and resilience is undermined. This book analyzes the current issues from various angles and present solutions by introducing the efforts to significantly improve the efficiency of food production and distribution in Japan through technology and the creation of new mechanisms, and to transform it into a sustainable and profitable industry. There is no successful model in the world that achieves both sustainability and productivity improvement. If Japan can reconstruct and realize related industries, Japanese food and agriculture can become a growth industry that can be deployed globally. The transformation of food and agriculture industries and the resolution of various social issues should be promoted along the entire value chain, from farmers to consumers. Administrative backup is also necessary, and the Japanese government has just formulated a strategy called "Strategy for Sustainable Food Systems, MeaDRI", which aims to reduce the environmental impact and build a sustainable food system throughout the entire food supply chain of procurement, production, processing, distribution, and consumption.




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