関東大震災が起こってから、今日(2023年9月1日)で丁度100年になります。関東大震災と聞くと、祖父・岩隈儀一郎のことを思い浮かべます。祖父は、1901年(明治34年)に福岡市に生まれました。少年時代より学業はすこぶる優秀であったようで、飛び級で、京都帝国大学工学部に進学、土木工学を学びました。卒業後は、土木官僚になりましたが、時あたかも関東大震災勃発、祖父の社会人としての最初のキャリアは、関東大震災後の東京再興の一員として働くことでした。役人生活を終えた後は、東北学院大学工学部教授に迎えられ、学生達に土木工学を教えました。祖父が関東大震災後の東京の上下水道再開発について書いた幾つかの論文は現存しているようです。一方で、祖父は、まだ世間の右も左も分からぬ幼い孫の私に、関東大震災や震災後の東京の都市再開発の模様を、何度も繰り返し語ったものでした。 Today(September 1, 2023) marks 100 years since the Great Kanto Earthquake( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/.../1923_Great_Kant%C5%8D...). When I hear of the Great Kanto Earthquake, I think of my grandfather, Giichiro Iwakuma. My grandfather was born in Fukuoka City in 1901. He was a boy with outstanding academic achievement, and skipped a year(graduated school a year early) to enter Kyoto Imperial University, Faculty of Engineering, where he studied Civil Engineering. After graduation of university, he became a civil engineering bureaucrat. When my grandfather became a government official, it was at the outbreak of the Great Kanto Earthquake, and his first work career in his life was to play a role in the redevelopment of Tokyo Metropolitan Area after the Great Kanto Earthquake. After completing his career as a government official, he was invited to become Professor at Tohoku Gakuin University, Faculty of Engineering, where he taught Civil Engineering to students. Some of his academic papers on Tokyo's water and sewage redevelopment after the Great Kanto Earthquake seem to have survived. On the other hand, my grandfather repeatedly told me(his young grandson), who was still immature little boy, about the Great Kanto Earthquake and the reconstruction of Tokyo after the disaster.
19あなた、मासायो ओनो、谷口 智彦、他16人